Los Angeles (May 3, 2006) – Screen Actors Guild executive and former member Tom La Grua has been named interim deputy national executive director for contracts, it was announced today by the Guild. A four-year Guild executive, La Grua will administrate the Contracts Department nationwide while the Guild conducts a search for a permanent replacement for Sallie Weaver, the 20-year executive who vacated the position on May 1.

“Tom La Grua is the ideal person to lead the Guild’s Contracts Department during this important period of transition,” said Screen Actors Guild Interim National Executive Director Peter Frank. “His four years of experience in the Contracts Department, along with nearly 30 years of membership and leadership in the Guild, make him uniquely qualified for this important assignment. I am confident he will maintain the department’s positive momentum on behalf of our membership.”

La Grua’s contributions to the Guild began long before he joined the staff in 2002. A professional actor, he was an active member since 1977 and held various leadership roles including serving as 3rd vice president of the Guild and as chair of the 2001 TV/Theatrical contract negotiations. As interim deputy national executive director for contracts, he heads the largest department at Screen Actors Guild. The Contracts Department performs many critical functions including signing producers to signatory agreements, continued enforcement of contracts, and support of negotiations.


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