Los Angeles - In yet another example in a pattern of scams intended to prey on the most vulnerable members in the entertainment industry, SAG members have reported a seemingly growing trend of vouchers being bought and sold over the Internet on various websites. Such fraudulent activity undermines the livelihood and organizing efforts of all SAG members. This is a clear violation of SAG rules, and it will not be tolerated.

SAG rules prohibit paying any form of compensation for vouchers or for assistance in obtaining vouchers. Please be advised that any prospective member found to have obtained a voucher through any fraudulent or improper means, may be prohibited from joining SAG. Similarly, any SAG member who is later found to have used fraudulently obtained vouchers to gain membership, or to have participated in such fraudulent conduct at any time, may be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion from SAG.

We encourage Guild members and concerned individuals who work in the industry to bring information that they have on such scams to the Guild's attention, by contacting SAG at 323/549-6806 or emailing membersbeware@sag.org


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