Dear Member,
The middle class is under attack, and across the country unions are standing strong against this assault.
Companies like advertising agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty, Inc., who place profits over people, threaten the very survival of performers who rely on union wages and benefits to feed and care for their families. BBH has illegally abandoned its contract with SAG-AFTRA and their responsibility to pay performers fairly.
Wednesday, Jan. 23, join me, your fellow members, SAG-AFTRA leaders and allies from our labor community as we stand together and demand that BBH do the right thing and honor their contract. We hope you’ll bring your whole family to SAG-AFTRA Plaza for a #StrikeBBH rally at the park next door. There will be music and food and activities for kids.
We need you. We need your voice and your commitment. When we stand together we win.
Hope to see you Wednesday (details below)!
Strength in unity,
Gabrielle Carteris
SAG-AFTRA President
When: Wednesday, Jan. 23
11-11:45 a.m. Sign-in and t-shirt pick-up
11:45 a.m. March to the La Brea Tar Pits
Noon-1 p.m. Rally
Where: SAG-AFTRA Plaza, James Cagney Boardroom
5757 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Parking validated, enter off Curson or Masselin.
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