I am delighted to tell you that a SAG-AFTRA National Self-Tape Committee has been formed and voted up by our National Executive Committee, with President Fran Drescher appointing me as chair. This committee will look into the many issues we all have encountered with the shift away from in-person auditions during the COVID pandemic. 

Over the past year, President Drescher and I have received numerous emails and texts from you, our members, regarding self-tapes, and I am so very grateful to you for speaking up so we can finally come together to sort this out, not only in L.A. but across the country. National in scope, the committee will look at the commonality of issues we face as well as those specific to each local. The committee will then make recommendations to help address the issues of self-taping, as did our sister unions, British Equity and ACTRA, the Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists. 

On Dec. 5, we will be starting our TV/Theatrical Wages and Working Conditions meetings (known as W&Ws), which are an integral part of the TV/Theatrical negotiations. These meetings are scheduled for the first few weeks in December, with a holiday break, then resuming the second week of January thru early February. If you have issues working any of the TV/Theatrical contracts, please mark your calendar and participate! There will be meetings for specific categorical issues, such as dancers, stunt performers, singers, background, etc. We will also be addressing residuals, options and exclusivity, self-tape auditions, sexual harassment prevention, pension and health and more. The L.A. Local’s W&Ws will be chaired by L.A. Local 2nd Vice President David Jolliffe, co-chaired by Secretary-Treasurer Joely Fisher, myself and L.A. Local and National Board member Sean Astin. Be sure to pay attention to emails announcing more specific dates and times in the coming weeks, and check out sagaftra.org/2023ww for updates. 

November is flying by, so don’t forget to pay your dues, Los Angeles! The deadline is Dec. 12. This is very important if you want to get involved and be more active in your union as a candidate or delegate in next year’s election. More information on how a late payment affects member eligibility to run for office is located on your dues bill. If you have challenges paying your dues, be sure to log in to sagaftra.org/billing-portal to learn more about the dues relief extension program before Dec. 12.

And last but not least, we are excited to start programming again! Events will still be virtual as our offices remain closed. This will change next year, but for now let’s come together and celebrate that we made it through some of the toughest times our nation and the world have endured. Announcements will come via email but  you can also check our L.A. Local Events page for updates.  

Upcoming events include:
- Our 2022 L.A. Local Membership Meeting will take place on Dec 4.
- A Conservatory Self- Tape Mini-Intensive on Dec. 8.

Wishing you a wonderful Turkey or Tofurkey Day full of gratitude and love. 

Moving forward together, all good things,

Jodi Long
Los Angeles Local President

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